The "Wanderings" are going to be a sub-section of //, and will include anything I care to write about or clarify in my "butterfly brain". Morpho sulkowski is a south American iridescent butterfly with a wingspan of 4-5 inches, and the one I have in a shadow-box on my desk. A gift more than a decade ago from my wife Jane E. Stevens, it symbolizes the nature of some of my thought-processes, flitting from subject to subject, attracted by a new idea, a new question.
(Pearl Morpho)
I suspect that had I been born in the last few decades I would have been diagnosed with ADHD or some-such condition, then pumped full of ritalin to keep me in my seat, when all that I really need is a regular supply of interesting stuff to keep my brain occupied. Fidgety kids need to be kept busy, not stoned. So I will use this blog as a place to put down thoughts and ideas about anything that interests me: planet Earth, its continents, biology and oceans; humanity's inhumanity; good writing and storytelling; twentieth-century literature, especially the work of "confessional poets", including the two I am writing about--Dylan Thomas and John Berryman. Football and refereeing you will find in the usual place, where I will signal any new postings in "Wanderings".
Another way of looking at this new item is that it will be my practice-place, my experiments that may flourish into larger or more permanent pieces, possible for publication.
I doubt that I will comment on politics, because I find that subject to be based far less on facts than on emotions and prejudices. Besides which I have been a socialist all my life, and will never change. We are a social animal, and have been since the first bands and packs of humans walked out of Africa. Individually we cannot survive without the aid of our fellows and neighbors, and there is not a country on the planet that could function without socialism as the basis of its society. (That includes the U.S. by the way, despite the vehement denials of the Tea-Patsies.) When all is said and done, Ayn Rand spewed poisonous bullshit.
If you want the bookmark to this part of "integrity", you can find it here.
Ayn Rand was profoundly influenced by the fact that all her family's substantial assets were taken by the Bolshevics during the Russian revolution. This made her a fervent anti-communist. But her viewpoints have now been incorporated into modern Republican party ideas that reject any and all forms of social policies. What is ironic is that she was also an atheist, but the Republicans do not include this part of her beliefs in their thinking. She is not taken very seriously by many literary scholars, several of whom criticize her ethics!
Posted by: Edward Bellion | August 28, 2012 at 01:47 PM
She was also in favour of abortion, which I guess many Republicans wouldn't like either.
Posted by: Wendy Morgan | September 04, 2012 at 08:40 AM
Did you know Ayn Rand also influenced Alan Greenspan which might explain some of his financial mistakes - but that's the trouble with free market fundamentalists, they don't understand that theories in economics can be disastrous when tested.
Anyway, although she was against government as such, she was happy to accept financial help when she has health problems in later life - what a piece of work.
>>A classic narcissist - right about everything! RE<<
Disclosure: Wendy Morgan is my sister.
Posted by: Wendy Morgan | September 04, 2012 at 08:46 AM